The Art of Human Energetics
Where do your physical, emotional, and mental experiences come from?
What is your Personal Life Blueprint?
What if you could understand your creative process of manifestation, before it shows up in the densest form, the physical plane?
You are more than your physical body, more even than your thoughts and emotions.
You are a being of energy – energy that has structure and anatomy.
Discover yourself at a new level. A more subtle level. A magical level.
Experience The Art of Human Energetics with Master
Healer and Success Coach Tim Lowry, Founder of
Success Without Sacrifice and trainer to therapists and
healers worldwide.
Over the course of an extraordinary year, give yourself the gift of one-on-one study with a mentor unlike any other.
Learn the anatomy of the human energy field, and how to understand the subtle energetics through which all of your own personal creations and experiences are filtered.
You may know all about chakras…
…Yet there is so much more to your Personal Life
Blueprint than simply chakras and colors.
There is so much more to you.
Tell me more…
The Art of Human Energetics is the only training of its kind in the world. I created this program from my heart for a dear friend, to give her the specific, supportive, one-on-one training she spent years asking me for.
I am opening this program up to you as a gift of service. I know that if you feel called to explore this work, you know it.
I have kept the program focused on you – there are no bells and whistles, no super marketing hoopla, no un-necessary luxury add-ons, and no padding disguised as bonuses.
This is simply pure mentorship that brings you more than you imagine.
Have you noticed the current trend in coaching programs?
Participants pay tens of thousands of dollars for a few minutes of time a month and a few generic “done-for-you” templates.
Participants in these programs get stacks of how-to tips, advice on how to “do it,” yet few realize that less than 4% are successful in implementing them. It’s a classic “results-not-typical” marketing mill.
This program isn’t like that. It’s not for everyone. I’m not interested in diluting the work by cramming hundreds of participants into a group – and losing the personal, powerful magic.
The amount of one-on-one time in this program is amazing. I don’t just cover generalities you could learn from a book. I show you how to understand your Personal Life Blueprint.
You will learn more than the chakras and their colors. I reveal the subtle structures of human energetics and while this would be enough by itself – I will take you even further and show you how these structures function in your life.
You’ll really “get” what works best for you personally and why.
One of the secrets that understanding your own energy dynamics can unlock for you is where — and when — to buck conventional wisdom. Sometimes the consensus on what “works,” what is right, healthy, or effective… is very wise.
And sometimes it just mucks up your system and produces unnecessary guilt, distraction, and stagnation. I’ll teach you how you can work with your Personal Life Blueprint, not against it, so you gracefully experience life at it’s fullest and most abundant.
Of course I’ll teach you Energy Anatomy, including:
- Chakras and their structure
- Energy Field Levels
- Energy Field Densities
- Foundational Levels of Awareness – body, mind, and spirit
- Specific functionality of each piece of the puzzle that is YOU
- And of course, how it all works together
Imagine what it could mean to you to get personal mentoring in:
- The specifics of your energy field
Your unique strengths
- The energetics of your personal traps and “weak points,” why they developed and how to strengthen them
- Why you react the way you do to “trigger” situations and how to HEAL
- Your most powerful healing response
- The source of physical dis-ease in your body
- Unitive states — the frequencies at which the entire body-mind-soul experiences healing — and what these states feel like to you – so you can recognize, and create them, anytime.
- Practical Application: how to use what you learn to make transformative, lasting, and sustainable change.
The Art of Human Energetics 12 Month Mentorship program is simple – and it will change your life.
- We will meet 9 times for a 1/2 day (about 3 hours at a time) of intensive, workshop-style training. We’ll work together to accommodate your schedule and to give you extra space during holidays or crunch times in your life or business.
- We will also connect in between each of the intensives for special Integration Sessions to help with any questions or challenges that have surfaced.
- The 12 Month Mentorship format allows for a “full turning” of experience in your life. Although it only lasts a year, it covers a lifetime.
- Energetically and spiritually, allowing yourself this full year brings an expansion and a depth you will appreciate. It’s also means I’ll be there for you when the inevitable curveballs show up.
- You will have the security of 3 “anything/anytime” phone sessions. I am there for you when YOU need me.
- You’ll have access to hands-on energy healings in addition to your training. Nothing like having a Master Healer on call…
- Complimentary access to the Transformational Leadership Group for the entire 12 months of your program.
- Special access to me by email and phone – you’ll be able to get your questions answered quickly, so you don’t waste time.
If you feel called to explore this work, I would love to speak with you personally.
Please contact me here. Please be sure to put “The Art of Human Energetics” in the subject line, and send me the best phone number for you and a good time to connect with you.
Or you can call me directly at 406.880.7261
Wherever your journey takes you, Many Blessings.